

The European Association for Home Economics (EAHE) is the legal body of the European region of the International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE). All IFHE members based in the IFHE region of Europe are EAHE members.

This site has been created to inform members about what happens in the IFHE Region of Europe.

In the member area members find information about the last EAHE member assembly, together with the EAHE constitution and rules of procedure. The password to enter the site has been sent to the members via email.

Are you our new colleague?

We would love to have you on board as assisting member of the EAHE Executive Committee. Interested? –> Find out more here.

Brown Bag webinars

The European region of IFHE hosts regular Brown Bag webinars. The format is an online meeting every second/third month lasting 45 minutes during lunchtime – participants are welcome to eat their lunch during the webinar. There will be a short presentation (10-20 minutes) of a current topic related to Home Economics followed by questions and discussion. A member of the European IFHE board will chair the session or appoint another chairperson.

The purpose is to give European IFHE members as well as anyone interested in Home Economics a possibility of meeting colleagues across borders along with developing an insight to current home economics research and innovative practices. Non IFHE members are also welcome to participate, and hopefully the webinars can provide insight to the field of Home Economics and inspire potential members to join our organisation.

Call for presentations

All European Home Economists or professionals working with Home Economics related practices and research are encouraged to present their work at a Brown Bag webinar. Beside creating awareness of your work this is also an opportunity to get feedback from highly competent professionals, seek out potential future collaboration and to be part of an inspiring professional network.

If you are interested, please fill out this form and submit it.

Event & Community Information

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